About Us
Chronos has been approved by an accredited UKAS assessing body to the international Quality Standard BS EN ISO9001:2000 since 1992, and in 2018 this was upgraded to BS EN ISO9001:2015.
BS EN ISO9001:2015 is the widest category of quality management systems within the ISO 9000 series, and relates to the model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and servicing.
As with any professional company, Chronos Technology is acutely aware of the need to continuously review procedures and systems in order to ensure that if, or when, problems occur they are captured into a formal non-compliance process and then assessed, reviewed, and cleared in a controlled manner with relevant corrective action taken.
These corrective actions apply to the actual non-compliance, but also more generically in relation to the internal quality procedures.
Chronos Technology was originally assessed to the BS EN ISO9001:2015 Quality Standard by NQA. NQA conduct annual assessments in order to ensure that standards of the ISO 9001 quality system are maintained.
Whilst quality relates to all aspects of Chronos Technology’s business from administration through sales and into operational and technical issues, quality is controlled within the Company by the Quality Manager. Any issues relating to quality should always be directed, in the first instance, to the Quality Manager.