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UAV Applications

An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is an aircraft without a human pilot on board – a drone and can go to places that would otherwise be too expensive or dangerous to reach. UAVs were primarily used by the military for reconnaissance missions but are now widely available to civilian industry with potential applications in many fields such as farming, search and rescue, pipeline surveillance, crowd control, scientific studies and even filming for television.

GNSS Simulators

Chronos has partnered with Syntony to offer their full range of test solutions enabling testing on the production line in “real” conditions. Echo R&P (Hi-Fi GNSS Record & Playback System) and Constellator (GNSS Simulator) ensures that you deliver outstanding performance to your customers.  

GNSS Receivers

GNSS receivers are an essential part of the navigation system determining attitude, precise location and altitude and feeding this information back to the user or to internal systems allowing for hover stabilisation, geo-referencing and more. Septentrio’s GNSS components have been designed especially for use inside unmanned systems. Drone users won’t have to become experts in all things GPS to benefit from Septentrio’s drone-centred rover receivers, base stations and software.   

Additional product information can be found on the GNSS OEM Receivers page.

Please contact our technical sales team on +44 1594 862200 who will be happy to discuss your UAV requirements.